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Перечень производителей / Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH

Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH

Telgweg 14
49744 Geeste

 +49 59 3739-0
 +49 59 3739-869

“Honour the past, go for the future”

Fine Bakery since 1825

Our family-run company, now in the sixth generation, produces the finest bakery pastry and distributes these in more than 60 countries worldwide. Employing select ingredients, seasoned experts, and gentle baking processes, we guarantee top-quality products. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and sophisticated logistics services enable us to fulfil your orders with a high degree of flexibility. We supply all our products either in stable export boxes or in displays, depending on your specifications. As an IFS certified company we are happy to offer you private label, organic quality, or kosher products. Our sugar-. gluten-, laktose-free and vegan products are considered a special treat.


Unlimited possibilities with biscuit granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, with dark chocolate or amarettini, caramel flavoured or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.


A reliable partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Unlimited Possibilities with Biscuit Granules

Since we are always on the lookout for new product innovations we have developed a way of producing bakery wares and cookie drops in diverse granular forms. In light or dark-coloured form, dark chocolate flavour, amarettini, caramel, or speculoos – making new product ideas really easy. Our semi-finished products help you develop fantastic creations with ice, muesli, yoghurt, praline, and chocolate: we make your ideas come true! We are also very happy to develop ideas together with you.

A Reliable Partner

Our export experts, international importers, and seasoned commercial agents ensure reliable and smooth handling of our export business: Contact us – we will gladly advise you!

Фaмилия [контактное лицо]

  • господин Andreas Coppenrath
  • Managing Director
  • Телефон:
     +49 5937 39-0
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • госпожа Christina Limberg-Janßen
  • Sales Manager B2B
  • National
  • Телефон:
     +49 176 102 44 812
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • господин Lennart Mensen
  • Export Director
  • Телефон:
     +49 151 140 75185
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • господин Andreas Coppenrath
  • Managing Director
  • Телефон:
     +49 5937 39-0
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • госпожа Christina Limberg-Janßen
  • Sales Manager B2B
  • National
  • Телефон:
     +49 176 102 44 812
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • господин Lennart Mensen
  • Export Director
  • Телефон:
     +49 151 140 75185
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • Категория продукта

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