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Перечень производителей / Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG

Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG

Untere Stegwiesen 2
88447 Biberach-Warthausen

 +49 7351 1844-0
 +49 7351 1844-55

Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG

  • Hollow chocolate figures
  • Chocolate mini-products, solid and filled
  • Solid chocolate ladybirds
  • Filled chocolate may beetles

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Фaмилия [контактное лицо]

  • госпожа Irmgard Schmalzing
  • Телефон:
     +49 7351 1844-0
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • госпожа Irmgard Schmalzing
  • Телефон:
     +49 7351 1844-0
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • госпожа Irmgard Schmalzing
  • Телефон:
     +49 7351 1844-0
  • E-Mail:
  • Эл. визитка: Download
  • Языки:
  • Категория продукта

    Изделия из какао и шоколада: Плиточный шоколад без начинки: Шоколад с цельным молоком, Десертный шоколад с цельным молоком; Белый шоколад; Изделия из шоколада: Шоколадные сердечки, Шоколадные узорчатые конфеты с начинкой; Сезонные изделия: Изделия на Рождество, Изделия на Пасху, Изделия на День матери, Рождественский календарь с конфетами, содержащими алкоголь, Рождественский календарь с конфетами, не содержащими алкоголь, Пустотелые фигуры (Дед Мороз и Снегурочка), Пустотелые фигурки (заяц), Подарочные яйца;

    Прочие кондитерские изделия: Изделия для детей;