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أصناف المنتجات

قائمة المنتِجين / Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG

Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG

Untere Stegwiesen 2
88447 Biberach-Warthausen

رقم الهاتف:
 +49 7351 1844-0
 +49 7351 1844-55

البريد الإلكتروني:

الموقع: إلى الموقع الإلكتروني


Baur Chocolat GmbH & Co. KG

  • Hollow chocolate figures
  • Chocolate mini-products, solid and filled
  • Solid chocolate ladybirds
  • Filled chocolate may beetles

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

Our exquisite fine chocolates and confectionery products represent top quality and great taste, manufactured using the traditional recipes of our family firm. All our chocolate products are made using only the finest and most select raw materials and high-quality ingredients.

المتحدث الرسمي

  • السيدة Irmgard Schmalzing
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 7351 1844-0
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيدة Irmgard Schmalzing
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 7351 1844-0
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيدة Irmgard Schmalzing
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 7351 1844-0
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • أصناف المنتجات

    منتجات الكاكاو والشوكولاتة: لوح شوكولاتة مصمت: شوكولاتة حليب كامل الدسم, شوكولاتة حليب كامل الدسم فاخرة; شوكولاتة بيضاء; منتجات الشوكولاتة: قلوب من الشوكولاتة, نقوش بارزة; منتجات موسمية: منتجات عيد الميلاد, منتجات عيد الفصح, منتجات عيد الأم, تقويمات عيد الميلاد مع محتوى كحولي, تقويمات عيد الميلاد مع محتوى غير كحولي, أشكال مجوفة (بابا نويل/وزوجته), أشكال مجوفة (أرنب), بيض هدايا;

    حلويات أخرى: منتجات الأطفال;