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أصناف المنتجات

قائمة المنتِجين / Ulmer Schokoladen GmbH & Co. KG

Ulmer Schokoladen GmbH & Co. KG

Kreuzstr. 55
26382 Wilhelmshaven

رقم الهاتف:
 +49 4421 20020
 +49 4421 200250

البريد الإلكتروني:

الموقع: إلى الموقع الإلكتروني


Ulmer Chocolates – Ideas in chocolate since 1859!

The wide variety of sprinkle-on chocolate decoration products leaves no wishes unanswered.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

Available in many different shapes and flavours, the products are especially suitable for use in ice cream, (frozen) pastry, cereals, cake mixes, desserts, two compartment pot yoghurts and instant cappuccinos.

المتحدث الرسمي

  • السيد Norbert Meyer
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 4421 2002-26
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيد Norbert Meyer
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 4421 2002-26
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيد Norbert Meyer
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 4421 2002-26
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • أصناف المنتجات

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    منتجات Fair Trade: منتجات كاكاو وشوكولاتة Fair Trade;

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