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Índice de empresas / Gut Springenheide GmbH

Gut Springenheide GmbH

Weiner 152
48607 Ochtrup

 +49 2553 1022
 +49 2553 1025

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Gut Springenheide GmbH

A family business since 1844


The shell game where everyone wins: our praline eggs.


Is there any more perfect packaging than a chicken eggshell? After using the contents of the egg for pancakes and omelettes, we don’t just throw away the shells. Instead, we reuse them by filling them with finest-quality praline chocolate. As you can imagine, it takes special skill to fill this sustainable packaging. Whether you choose to keep the natural look or go for brightly coloured decorations, these praline chocolate eggs are sure to provide the sweetest aha-moments.


Gut Springenheide: Your specialist for all fine things related to eggs.



Egg specialities made by Gut Springenheide are prepared using natural untreated ingredients – without any artificial flavourings and preserving agents. Individually designed and packed, these sweet messengers are a worldwide success.

Gut Springenheide – the international specialist for colourful Easter eggs and gift eggs.

Egg specialities made by Gut Springenheide are prepared using natural untreated ingredients – without any artificial flavourings and preserving agents. Individually designed and packed, these sweet messengers are a worldwide success.

Gut Springenheide – the international specialist for colourful Easter eggs and gift eggs.

Egg specialities made by Gut Springenheide are prepared using natural untreated ingredients – without any artificial flavourings and preserving agents. Individually designed and packed, these sweet messengers are a worldwide success.

Gut Springenheide – the international specialist for colourful Easter eggs and gift eggs.

Egg specialities made by Gut Springenheide are prepared using natural untreated ingredients – without any artificial flavourings and preserving agents. Individually designed and packed, these sweet messengers are a worldwide success.

Gut Springenheide – the international specialist for colourful Easter eggs and gift eggs.

Persona de contacto

  • Señora Barbara Tusky
  • Teléfono:
     +49 2553 1022
  • Correo electrónico:
  • vCard (tarjeta personal electrónica): Download
  • Idiomas:
  • Señora Barbara Tusky
  • Teléfono:
     +49 2553 1022
  • Correo electrónico:
  • vCard (tarjeta personal electrónica): Download
  • Idiomas:
  • Categorías de productos

    Productos de Confitería: productos de praliné: huevos de praliné;

    Productos de Chocolate: tabletas de chocolate rellenas con nueces/almendras: chocolate con almendras y praliné, chocolate con almendras y nueces, chocolate con nueces y praliné; tabletas de chocolate (rellenas), diversas: chocolate con praliné, chocolate con praliné y crocante; productos de chocolate; artículos de temporada: artículos de Navidad, artículos de Pascua, cáscaras de huevo (rellenas), cáscaras de huevo naturales rellenas de praliné, huevos de bombon de chocolate, huevos para regalo, huevos de chocolate (macizos);

    Dulces Biológicos: productos de chocolate biológicos;

    Dulces con fructosa y maltitol: productos de chocolate con maltitol;

    Otros Dulces: artículos de regalo;