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أصناف المنتجات

قائمة المنتِجين / The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH & Co KG Germany

The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH & Co KG Germany

Rathenaustraße 54
63263 Neu-Isenburg

رقم الهاتف:
 +49 6102 293-0
 +49 6102 293-345

البريد الإلكتروني:

الموقع: إلى الموقع الإلكتروني


Who we are - The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World

We are one of the leading manufacturers for savoury snacks in Europe. Family owned since 1889, we started producing savoury snacks in 1935 bringing you full flavoured, great tasting snacks in different varieties in all snack segments ever since.


We keep upfront in every relevant aspect of the market by manufacturing both traditional products your customers can rely on as well as innovative savoury snacks.


Our focus is on quality and taste. Hence we use only the best raw materials and by enforcing strict audits for suppliers and certification processes for their own factorers we make sure that our high level of quality is guaranteed over the whole production cycle for each of our and your customer in more than 80 countries all over the world.


Due to our outstanding quality and innovative concepts, very many of our brands like Crunchips, NicNac's, Saltletts or Curly have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.


Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

Due to our outstanding quality and innovative flavours, very many of our brands have become the unchallenged market leaders in their respective segments.

We have a worldwide presence.

Grow with us and contact our Export Sales Managers!

المتحدث الرسمي

  • السيد Tim Thiele
  • Export Product Manager
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 6102 293-205
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيد Tim Thiele
  • Export Product Manager
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 6102 293-205
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • السيد Tim Thiele
  • Export Product Manager
  • رقم الهاتف:
     +49 6102 293-205
  • البريد الإلكتروني:
  • كروت الائتمان: Download
  • لغات:
  • أصناف المنتجات

    مقرمشات: بسكويتات كوكتيل; منتجات مصنعة بالبثق مخبوزات مملحة، بالجبن، قلوية): منتجات مصنعة بالبثق, تشكيلات بسكويتات مملحة مصنعة بالبثق, أعواد مملحة, بريتسل; مخبوزات مملحة، بالجبن، قلوية: بسكويتات مملحة, تشكيلات مملحة, فول سوداني في قشرة معجنات, وجبات خفيفة من الفول السوداني, حبات فول سوداني مملحة ومحمصة, مخبوزات قلوية; أعواد/رقائق البطاطس: رقائق البطاطس, أعواد البطاطس; بسكويت رقيق: بسكويت البيتزا; وجبات خفيفة: مقرمشات البطاطس, مقرمشات الذرة; الجوز / تشكيلات الجوز: غذاء التلاميذ, كاجو, حبات الفول السوداني, فول سوداني, فستق, لوز; مقرمشات أخرى: كريات;

    حلويات خالية من الجلوتين: مقرمشات خالية من الجلوتين;